

The movie’s action takes place around a street football pitch that becomes the cause of an interethnic conflict and ultimately serves to unit the movie’s football-loving characters.

Release Date 2016
Genre Youth Sports Drama
Production Telesto production company
Screenplay Eduard Bordukov
Director Eduard Bordukov
Director of Photography Pavel Emelin
Art Director Anton Polikarpov
Producer Elena Glikman
Starring Sergey Romanovich,
Sergey Podolny,
Kirill Degtyar,
Georgiy Soskin,
Stepan Tavrizyan,
Soslan Zaseev,
Alexander Melnikov,
Ulvi Verdiev,
Stasia Miloslavskaya,
Evgeniya Dmitrieva,
Oleg Vasilkov,
Vadim Medvedev,
Ruslan Nigmatullin and others.

Kostya has long been dreaming about playing for local youth football team, however doesn’t dare approach the coach. One day Kostya and his friends decide to go play some football at their local street pitch. But the box has already been taken by a group of Caucasians, amongst whom is Damir — the star of the team Kostya dreams of playing for. A conflict sparks up between the Russians and the Caucasians. Kostya proposes to play a game of football for the pitch, with the loser agreeing to never come back. Three days, three games, four a side - and the pitch at stake.


Film market

Movie set photos

Teaser set photos

Film on festivals


International Film Festival «Black Nights», Tallinn